Oak trees can be a beautiful addition to any property or home. They provide shade and brilliant foliage, making them a wonderful addition. Oak trees can also be home to a variety of animals, including squirrels and birds. However, they are often a nuisance to homeowners as they don't consider the acorns to be a treasure. You don't need to look far if you want to find the best way of removing acorns from your yard. Our team of experts has a variety of options to keep your landscape looking and feeling great.
These types of equipment are effective in reducing the number of acorns in your garden:
Lawn Sweeper
A lawn sweeper is a great tool to help you remove acorns from your riding lawn mower. The attachment can be attached to any small tractor or riding mower and collects debris like leaves, twigs, and acorns. The lawn sweeper can use either a suction device or a scooping action depending on the type.
Leaf Vacuum
You can rent or purchase a lawn or leaf vacuum. It is usually used to collect leaves, but it can also be used for collecting acorns. The motor powers the unit and collects the leaves into the bag. The motor should be powerful enough to extract the acorns. Equipment can vary.
Weasel/Nut Gatherer
The manual device is composed of a long pole with a cage that moves along the lawn. The basket is emptied when it reaches full capacity, and small objects like acorns are passed over.
Raking, although more inefficient than the other options, is a good option for small jobs. You can gather acorns into piles, then use your hands or a shovel to scoop them up. This method has a downside: The rake can also pick up grass and other materials.
Shop Vacuum
Although a shop vacuum equipped with a long hose can quickly remove fallen acorns from the ground, its effectiveness is dependent on both the power of the vacuum and the volume and size of the acorns present.
You may be able to achieve success, depending on the size and shape of your tree, by placing a series of tarps around the base. Then shake or manipulate the limbs to release the acorns. The tarps can then be folded and emptied; then, the acorns could be raked into piles to be disposed in your compost or green waste bin.
A lawn with a lot of acorns can make your landscape look unattractive and cause damage to your property. Acorn removal has many benefits:
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When choosing a lawn service provider in Edmonton, Alberta, our team understands that you may have many questions. We're glad to hear from you, no matter if you're looking for yard service for your home or business.
Our courteous and well-informed customer service will address all of your questions. If you're doing new construction, we'd like to connect you with one of our landscape architects. Surely, our lawn specialists know exactly how to make your home look its best.
Landscaping Charm Experts Edmonton
10250 118 St NW 302 D, Edmonton, AB T5K 1Y5
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